Showing posts with label healthy living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy living. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Listen to Your Body Cues then Act on Them

An important part of maintaining good health is to learn about your body and how your system reacts to the variety of things it encounters and experiences every day such as foods and beverages you consume, medicines you take, exercise you participate in and sleep habits. Once you have an awareness of what works for you and what does not; you can adapt your habits to what works and makes you feel at your best each day for optimum functioning.

You also want to consider the assaults on your body each day ranging from unhealthy habits you may have such as smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, over eating, skipping breakfast or meals, sleep deprivation and from situations you are not responsible for such as exposure to second hand smoke, work related exposures and concerns regarding chemicals or unhealthy air.

Here are three examples:

Skipping breakfast: Most people feel lightheaded when they skip breakfast.  (It also sets you up for overeating later in the day).  For some, skipping breakfast makes them actually faint due to low blood sugar. Fainting episodes can be extremely frightening for the person fainting as well as those around him or her.  It is also dangerous if the fall causes you to hit your head, for example, setting you up for a major traumatic injury. (More on the various causes of fainting in another post).

The bottom line: Don’t skip breakfast. If you know you oversleep and can’t eat, at least drink a glass of milk which provides protein and carbohydrate. Also have on hand either near your door, in your backpack or car, some high quality granola or protein bars to eat (after you drink some milk, eat some cheese or Greek yogurt). These bars can easily be eaten on the run and help you avoid a severe drop in blood sugar levels.

Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach: Doing this can cause stomach irritation and acid reflux, as well as a high blood alcohol level which is dangerous and unsafe for yourself and others.

Bottom line: Don’t drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Eat first, or slowly take in your spirits with food. If you’re going to drink alcohol, drink in moderation and never drink and drive any type of vehicle, even if you have one drink.

Medications: If you’re on a medicine and suspect is does not agree with you or is causing reactions; allergic ones such as breathing problems, swelling of the face and, or throat, hives, or other reactions such as heart palpitations, anxiety, dizziness, or, anything you are concerned about:

Bottom line: *For any life threatening reactions such as, but not limited to,  problems breathing, swelling of the face and throat, or any other symptoms that are causing severe pain or problems, call 911 immediately. If you feel your symptoms are not life threatening, contact your doctor to discuss with him or her, the possibility of a lower dose or changing to another medication. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

3 Reasons to Take Your Vacation and Holiday for Your Health

We all need a break from time to time; a respite from the busy pace of our daily activities and lives. You’ve heard of R & R (rest and relaxation), here’s two more; rejuvenate and reinvigorate yourself with these three gifts below:

Happiness: Planning a vacation gives you something to look forward to. It gives you a chance to go somewhere you’ve always dreamed of or participate in activities you’ve always wanted to try but never seem to have time for.  An added bonus: If you’re taking a trip with loved ones or close friends, it also gives you a chance to have some special time with them to bond and have fun.

Stress Reduction: Going on vacation gives you a much needed break from work. This is important for everyone and especially so if you have a stressful job or one that you don’t particularly like. We all need a bit of “down” time. Taking a vacation removes us from our job and daily responsibilities so we can experience that much needed “slow down’ and change of pace.

Brain Health: Participating in new activities is good for your brain. It builds and strengthens connections in the brain. Whether you’re reading maps, taking new routes by car or foot or generally experiencing new surroundings, you’re helping to keep your mind sharp and crisp.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

3 things to be grateful for on July 4th

As we celebrate America's Independence and our freedom today, it brings to mind three thoughts:

1. Remember our troops serving us around the world, but especially those currently serving in in harm's way in Afghanistan. Their sacrifices uphold our Constitution and our way of life. Send them a card, letter or care package, or, donate to a community group that is doing so; let them know they are not forgotten. Thank them for their service. Support their families that are here at home. Remember our Veterans.

2. Exercise your right to vote with each and every election (from local to national) so many have died to preserve that right for all of us.

3. Enjoy the day and evening with family and friends, eat healthy foods, practice water safety by assigning a designated person to observe those that are swimming, sun safety to prevent burns, and if you choose to drink, do so in moderation and responsibly (don't drink and drive any type of vehicle).

Sunday, June 24, 2012

8 tips to get a good night's sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis is integral to maintaining good physical and mental health.  Sleep deprivation can cause a whole myriad of problems. People who are sleep deprived for the long term have an increased risk of developing depression, hypertension (high blood pressure), type two diabetes, heart attack, stroke and obesity. Short term sleep deprivation causes decreased mental functioning and delayed physical reaction time making you more susceptible to forgetfulness and accidents. Try these eight tips to improve your sleep.
  1. Don’t consume caffeine containing food or drinks after 5 pm each day. (Some people may need to stop earlier.) This includes coffee, tea, colas (sodas/soda pop) and chocolate. Caffeine can interrupt sleep, either delaying the time you fall asleep or making you wake up during the night.
  2. Go to bed at the same time each night. This helps your body maintain its own natural sleep cycle and rhythm.
  3. Maintain a cooler bedroom. A cooler room temperature has been proven to aid sleep.
  4. Don’t use electronic devices after 8 PM this includes computers and cell phones. The blue light in the background is a known sleep disruptor interfering with the production of melatonin (a hormone produced by the brain) which helps us sleep. Some people find that e-book devices also interfere with their sleep.
  5.  Have a light, healthy snack at bedtime such as an organic apple and peanut butter, or a glass of organic non-fat milk with some whole wheat crackers. Combining a lean protein with a healthy carbohydrate can help with sleep.
  6. Don’t eat a heavy meal after 7 PM. Heavy food intake can keep you awake especially if you’re battling acid reflux.
  7. Don’t consume alcohol. Alcohol can disrupt the sleep cycle.  If you plan on drinking, only have one, with your dinner and before 7 PM.
  8. If you’re surroundings are noisy, look for ways to either eliminate the noise or offset it with “white noise”, such as pleasing soft music, a fan or the low humming sound of an air filter.
If you think you have a medical problem causing your lack of sleep such as obstructive sleep apnea, swollen tonsils or adenoids, lung or heart problems, see your doctor as soon as possible for a medical diagnosis and treatment.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

4 Tips on Martial Arts Training – And How to Choose What’s Right for You

Studying the martial arts is a great way to kick your workout up to the next level (no pun intended). If you’re thinking about taking classes for either yourself or your child; here are some helpful tips on what questions to ask/consider before getting started with a program. The Martial Arts help to improve psychological confidence and build physical strength. *Always observe at least one to two classes first, so you can consider the following points:
  1. Sensei (The Teacher): Do you like his or her style of teaching? Does he/she foster an environment of mutual respect in the school (dojo)? What’s his or her background?
  2. Students: Are they respectful of their fellow students? Do they help the newcomers? Or, are they bullies allowed to intimidate new students (newbies) either verbally or physically? Obviously, unless you’re a glutton for punishment, you want the first two.
  3. School Operations: Are classes offered at a convenient time that works well with your schedule? What’s the cost? Is it reasonable and similar to other schools in the area, or, outrageously overpriced? Can you pay by week or month? If so, that’s good. Stay away from schools (and gyms) that demand a minimum of 3 – 12 months tuition in advance. This is why; if you’re unable to continue classes for any reason such as a schedule change, get injured or decide you don’t like it; you’re usually out the money.
  4. Form/Style: Each form has a unique set of methods and goals; you’ll want to research these on your own (in addition to your class audit) to see if they match your goals. Here’s a brief synopsis on 4 (of the many) styles to choose from:
    • Tender Tai ChiTai Chi is well suited for older people or those that want a low impact, low stress style. It focuses on balance, brain-muscle coordination, agility and relaxation.
             A Few Fighting Forms:
    • Tackling Tang Soo Do or Tai Kwon Do – These forms involve a lot of kicking, punching, self defense and fighting techniques usually while standing.
    • Grappling with Jui Jitsu – This form incorporates pressure points on the body and learning how to fight on the ground with an opponent.

*Consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Healthy Heart Habits

There is more you can do help your heart in addition to healthy eating and not smoking. Research has shown that the following tips help lead to higher levels of happiness which can enhance your overall sense of well being, work to keep your mind sharp and in turn, help your physical health and mental health. 

Make and take time to:
  • Nurture yourself – whatever that means to you, whether you want to treat yourself to a weekly soak in your bathtub or go to an art museum to view great paintings or sculptures; take time to do treat yourself on a regular basis.
  • Nurture your cherished relationships – Spend time with loving family members and friends who make your life complete and provide love and support to you as well as you to them.
  • Follow your dreams and pursue your goals whatever they are, such as, finishing your degree, changing jobs or careers, studying a musical instrument, or learning a foreign language.  This will help keep your mind sharp and your attitude positive.
  • Exercise daily which improves blood circulation helping to enhance your cardiovascular system as well as your mental health such as outlook on life and lower stress levels. Aim for at least 30 minutes daily of  aerobic exercise daily such as walking, cycling, swimming, running, etc. *Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
  • Incorporate Omega 3’s in your daily diet which helps cardiovascular health and can increase feelings of happiness and sharpen the mind. Foods such as Olive Oil, Fish, and walnuts contain omega 3’s.
Happy Valentine’s Day! More on heart health here:

For more info on foods with Omega 3’s, see these other websites at:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February is Heart Month: Get a Start and Help Your Heart

Cardiovascular disease, which includes diseases of the heart, brain and blood vessels,  is the number one killer of both men and women (yes, women, too) in the United States. February is “American Heart Month”. Start now with healthier habits that work towards enhancing your heart, brain and vascular health and help reduce your risk of developing Type II Diabetes. 
  • If you smoke, STOP! Not only does smoking cause various cancers and COPD; it damages blood vessels which leads to high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks and kidney disease.
  • Maintain a healthy weight for your height and frame size.
  • Monitor your blood pressure. For optimal health, blood pressure should be below 120/80. High blood pressure damages blood vessels setting the stage for heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease (like smoking does).
  • Eat a healthy diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits and is low in fat, excess salt and sugars. Try to incorporate healthy monounsaturated fats in your diet such as olive oil.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes daily most days of the week.
  • If you drink alcohol, consume in moderation.
  • Talk to your doctor about fish oil and low dose aspirin therapy to see if these are right for you.
Check out these links for more healthy living tips:

*Contact your doctor prior to starting any exercise program and for any questions or concerns you may have about your health or the points above.

See the websites below for more web based information:

Friday, January 27, 2012

6 Tips to Prevent Dining Out from Derailing Your Diet

  1. Have a light low calorie snack about one to two hours before, such as a piece of string cheese and an apple.  If you are super hungry when you dine out, you are more apt to overeat and less likely able to resist appetizers, fatty foods and condiments such as dips, french fries and butter.
  2. Don’t eat the bread: If the restaurant is known for their bread and it is so delicious you have to have it, forgo the starch with your meal. Instead of potato, pasta or rice with your meat or fish, opt for grilled vegetables.
  3. Limit your alcohol intake to one or none.  Not only will this save you money, but it will save you calories (not to mention your liver).  If you decide to drink, have only one, or, opt for a half glass of wine, as some restaurants now offer this as an option.
  4. Ask for a “light” menu. Many places now offer a lighter fare with foods that are grilled or made with olive oil instead of butter and heavy sauces.
  5. Don’t get dessert. Just as with alcohol, it will save you money and save your waist and rear end from expanding. Plus, you will have the added benefit of feeling proud of yourself that your willpower won out to overcome the temptations.
  6. If the portions are large, cut it in half and take half home when you leave, or share it with your dining partner; one entree and two salads with 2 sides of grilled vegetables.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Doing These 5 Things LEADS to Better Health

Here are 5 tips (in an easy to remember acronym) that can help LEAD you to an improved level of health. 

L – Lose Weight if you are overweight or obese.
E – Exercise at least 20 minutes per day most days of the week.
A – Alcohol in moderation (or not at all).
D – Diet: Try to eat lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, go easy on the salt and eliminate fatty junk foods and sugary drinks.  See this article for more info on foods that help maintain and regulate blood pressure at:
S – Stop Smoking (if you currently smoke).

Lead yourself to healthier you by trying to incorporate these steps above into your lifestyle. Contact your doctor before beginning any exercise program, for diet advice and info on smoking cessation. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Foods that Lower your Blood Pressure: 3 Minerals that Matter

Did you know there are minerals in tasty foods that can help to lower your blood pressure? Most people are aware of the bad effects of taking in too much salt (sodium chloride) on their blood pressure. Salt raises blood pressure.  On the flip side, there are foods you can eat that can have the opposite effect and help lower and regulate your blood pressure.  They work to counteract the salt you consume. Try to get a variety of some of the following foods every day as part of an overall healthy diet that is beneficial for blood pressure, heart, muscle and brain function, bone health and cancer prevention.
  • Potassium: Found in bananas, oranges, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, cantaloupes, prunes, milk and yogurt.
  • Magnesium: Found in almonds, cashews, peanuts, peanut butter, milk, yogurt, some wheat products, brown rice, raisins and spinach.
  • Calcium: Found in diary Products (use non-fat or skim for less fat); milk, cheese and yogurt
It is possible to have too much just as too little of these 3 minerals above.  For example, people with Kidney Disease need to LIMIT (restrict) their Potassium intake. Contact your doctor regarding any questions or concerns you may have about your diet, medications or medical conditions.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Delicious and Nutritious: Eggplant Parmesan

Happy New Year! Here is a great way to fulfill your New Year's diet resolution with a tasty and healthy dish. Eggplant contains fiber and is low in calories, tomato sauce is packed Vitamin C and Potassium and Ricotta Cheese is high in protein (whey). It is also vegetarian (if you use Marinara style tomato sauce) and low in fat.

Carole’s Healthy Eggplant Parmesan
2 Small Eggplants (approximately 6 - 8 inches in length by 3 inches in width)
3 - 4 Large Eggs (2 - 3 for dipping the eggplant in, 1 for use in the Ricotta Cheese Mixture)
2 cups of Italian Style Bread Crumbs
1 pound container of Fat Free or Part Skim Ricotta Cheese
8 ounces of Shredded Mozzarella (Part Skim)
2 teaspoons of oregano, salt and pepper to taste
2 - 3 cups of Italian style Marinara Tomato Sauce (depending on preference)
1/4 - 1/2 cup of Olive Oil or Canola Oil 
2 Small to Medium bowls to prep/dip the eggplant
Pan spray; olive oil or canola, for prepping the baking dish.
1/4 - 1/2 cup of Grated Italian Parmesan Cheese (Romano will work too).
Wax paper (for use in preparing the eggplant)
1 Medium mixing bowl (to prepare the Ricotta Cheese)
1 large non-stick style fry pan, 12 inch size
1 large baking dish, 13 x 8 inches in size

*Try to use:
  • Eggs with Omega 3 (it will be on the label/carton)
  • Bread Crumbs without hydrogenated oil
  • Marinara Sauce (if you're buying prepared sauce) without high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oil
  • Ricotta cheese that is fat free or part skim and Mozzarella that is part skim
*Doing these 4 things above will yield an even healthier final dish.

Cut the eggplant in ¼ inch size width slices.  Start with one egg and whip in a small bowl. Place ½ cup of bread crumbs in a separate small bowl.  One by one, dip each eggplant slice in the egg bowl, coat both sides in the bread crumbs. Once each eggplant slice is dipped in both, place on a separate platter, separate the layers of prepared eggplant with wax paper so they don’t stick together.  (Add the 2nd egg as needed to the egg bowl and add more bread crumbs to that bowl, depending on your preference/how thick a layer of bread crumb you want to coat each piece with).

After all of the eggplant is prepared, place approximately 1 - 1 1/2 Tablespoons of oil in the pan, now you can begin to lightly saute them on the stove top, approximately 3 minutes on each side or until soft to the touch and slightly browned on the outside.  Place the cooked eggplant in a separate dish (different from the one used for the uncooked eggplant), separate each layer with wax paper as you proceed (as above).

Helpful Hints:
  • Add a little more oil each time you add new pieces of eggplant as needed if the oil dries up.  However, if using a good non-stick type of fry pan, you won’t need too much oil. The goal is for the olive oil to add to the taste of the dish. If you use canola, it is a healthy oil also, but it won't add any flavor. 
  • The pan will get hotter the longer you cook the eggplant, lower the heat accordingly when this occurs, so the eggplant will not burn. *if using olive oil, please remember is has a lower "smoke point", so you will need to maintain a low to medium heat to prevent smoking and burning.
Once the eggplant is prepped above, mix the ricotta cheese with one egg, the package of mozzarella cheese and the oregano. Keep on the side for your next step, layering in the baking dish with the eggplant.

Spray the inside of the baking dish with Olive oil pan spray (or canola). Spread 2/3 cup of tomato sauce evenly in the bottom of the baking dish. (You may need to use slightly less or more, depending on the thickness/consistency of your sauce). Add one layer of eggplant over the sauce.  Now add all of the ricotta cheese mixture, spreading evenly over all of the eggplant. Spread another 2/3 cup of tomato sauce over this.  Now place a 2nd (and final) layer of eggplant evenly over the pan.  Top with another 2/3 cup of tomato sauce. Add and spread the grated cheese on top of the sauce. 

Bake in a pre-heated 350 degree oven for one hour. Rotate the pan carefully in the oven at 30 minutes (half way through the total cooking time), so it cooks evenly

Helpful Hint: 
  • Place your eggplant baking dish on a larger baking dish, such as a cookie sheet with sides, to help prevent burning yourself from splash burns. The contents can become very bubbly and hot sauce can spill easily when moving the pan. I also  recommend you wear good quality oven mitts as a second level of precaution when handling this hot dish). 
Cool slightly and serve with extra tomato sauce and grated Parmesan or Romano cheese on the table; so guests can add extra sauce and cheese to their liking. If you plan on serving the eggplant with a small side of pasta, plan for a little extra tomato sauce. Add an Organic Romaine based salad on the side to complete this great Italian meal.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year’s Eve Party Strategy: 4 Tips to Stick to Your Diet

For most people, New Year’s Resolutions usually include goals pertaining to diet, such as eating healthier foods, reducing alcohol intake, and, or, eating less  food overall to facilitate losing weight. Why wait, start now. Here are 4 tips, beginning with that New Year’s Eve Party or New Year’s Day Dinner you may be attending.
  1. Scope out the healthier choices and include them on your plate such as fresh veggies/crudites, green salads and fresh fruits. Be careful regarding high fat/high calorie dips. Use salsa or hummus. They both taste good and are healthier, lower calorie alternatives to sour cream and mayonnaise based dips.
  2. Limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol is high in calories.  Drink water or diet sodas as low calorie alternatives to fill you up. *Don't drink and drive and and prevent others from doing so.
  3. Prioritize: If you are going to indulge, go with a small portion of something you don’t routinely have.  Pass on the usual high calorie foods that you can eat anytime. This will help prevent you from taking in too many empty calories at the event.
  4. Don’t go to the party hungry.  If you do, you will set yourself up to overeat and pig out when you arrive. It is difficult to restrain ourselves when we are starving. It is easier to control ourselves if we are not famished, but  slightly to moderately hungry. *Try to eat a healthy snack approximately one to two hours beforehand, such as; organic peanut butter on whole wheat crackers (look for products that do not contain hydrogenated oil), string cheese (part skim) and a piece of fruit, or some Greek yogurt with a piece of fruit.
Happy New Year! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Yummy Yams: Good for You and Tasty Too!

Baked yams are healthy and delicious.  Yams contain Vitamins A, B and C as well as Potassium and Fiber. Most people enjoy yams during the holiday season, but they are great anytime of the year. I like to have them at least once a week for dinner. They are easy to prepare.  Try these 2 recipes below: 

Carole’s Yam (Basic) Recipe (doubled recipe for more servings shown in parenthesis)
4 (8) Yams
1/4 (1/2) cup of Orange Juice
1/8 (1/4) cup of Pure Maple Syrup (fake syrup is corn syrup so stick with “pure maple” for added health benefits to this recipe)

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Rinse and scrub yams.  Foil line a baking pan then spray with cooking spray, or, lightly spread a little olive oil on top of foil. Place yams in the dish.  Pierce each yam with a knife 2 times on each side. Bake for one hour.  Let yams cool.  (They can burst if you forget to pierce them just like regular potatoes).

Once cooled, remove the skin.  Cut to the desired size.  Line a pan with foil, again, season with either cooking spray or olive oil.  Add the yams, then, drizzle with the orange juice and maple syrup.  *You can mash slightly if you wish, or keep them the same size. Bake at a 350 degree oven for 30 - 35 minutes, gently stirring at 15 minutes/half way through, to mix the flavors. Depending on your oven you may need more or slightly less time.

*You can wash then peel the yams first; however, they tend to get very brown without the skin and easily burn.

Carole's Candied Yams (Alternative sweeter recipe):  This will yield a higher glycemic/carb value to your final product; however, it is a bit fancier and sweeter for a holiday or special occasion. Prepare the basic recipe as above, plus, add the following to the yam, orange juice and maple syrup step:

1 small can of crushed pineapple, drained
1 small can of mandarin oranges, drained
1/4 - 1/3 cup of miniature marshmallows

Add the pineapple and mandarin oranges and mix/spread evenly with the yams, orange juice and maple syrup mixture in the first recipe.Bake for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven, then, add the miniature marshmallows and bake for another 10 minutes. Happy (and healthy) Eating!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Stressed from the holidays? Four tips to help reduce it.

Most people are in full swing with the hustle and bustle of holiday planning (including me). It’s easy to get caught up with so many tasks and go into mental and physical overload with too much to do in too little time.  When we put too much pressure on ourselves with endless lists, we may lose sight of the true meaning of the holiday. We can easily set ourselves up for increased fatigued, illness and changes to our mood feeling stressed, depressed and angry, to name a few. Try these tips to help regain control of your life regardless of which holiday you are planning for and celebrating.
  1. Streamline your “to do” list.  Do you really need to bake 8 different kinds of Christmas cookies? Cut it down to only 2 kinds. How about greeting cards? Go for e cards to family and friends that have email and save the hard copy cards for those that live far away or older relatives and friends that don’t have email.
  2. Don’t cut back on your sleep to squeeze in more tasks. If your normally get 7 – 8 hours of sleep each night, try to maintain it so you don’t get run down, which can reduce your immunity, making you more susceptible to infections (colds and flu). Long term sleep deprivation has been linked to the development of Type II Diabetes, Obesity and High Blood Pressure.
  3. Stick to your regular diet. Try to maintain your regular meal times. Spending hours shopping can distract us making it easy to skip meals.  Skipping meals sets us up for overeating when we do eat.  Also, think twice before indulging in high fat foods at parties and gatherings.  There may be 6 different desserts in front of you; pick 1 that really want to enjoy and have a small portion of it. Remember that alcohol is high in calories. It’s very easy to gain 5 pounds or more over the holidays in 1 or 2 weeks, however, it takes a lot longer and hard work to get it off. Try to keep that in the back of your mind to help prevent you from overeating.
  4. Maintain your regular exercise routine. Daily exercise helps us control our weight (along with a healthy diet), helps our cardiovascular and immune systems work better, and helps to improve our mood. Stick to your work-out schedule.  “Pay yourself first”; we can only take care of others and accomplish a lot, if we are in good shape ourselves.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Healing Effects of Chicken Soup - Carole's Recipe

Home-made chicken soup is a great winter meal. It has also been scientifically proven to temporarily help thin out mucus secretions and reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract. It contains an amino acid (from the chicken) as well as the oregano, thyme, garlic, all in this recipe; which are also helpful for these symptoms. It’s especially great to eat if you are battling a cold or flu.  

The leftover chicken can also be used again to make fresh chicken sandwiches on a good whole wheat bread, or , to shred over some  organic Romaine for a healthy chicken salad. Fresh home- made chicken is free of added nitrates (unlike a lunch meat), low in fat and, if prepared with little or no salt, great for anyone on a low salt (and a low fat) diet. Try to purchase chicken that is organic and raised without added hormones and antibiotics.

Chicken: One whole “cut up” chicken. If you can’t find it cut up, you can use a whole chicken. You will need to wash the inside very well which includes removing the pack of organ meat and scraping out the lung tissue and rinsing well again. Using a whole chicken is usually more economical, but also, more work to clean, and it tends to break apart while you remove it from the pot after cooking, leaving small fragments of bones in the stock that need to be removed. Any meat with bones can result in pieces of bone in the final product, but it tends to occur more often with whole chicken, so be extra careful if you go the whole chicken route regarding bone fragments.

Or, you can purchase a small package of thighs and a small separate package of breasts; the best chicken soup is made with both white and dark meat. *I remove all the skin and as much fat as possible regardless of which type of chicken I use. Skin is difficult to digest and both skin and high fat diets are not healthy for us.

Ingredients in addition to the chicken:
·         One large onion cut into quarters
·         One cup of baby or regular carrots sliced (change amount to your liking)
·         2-4 stalks of celery sliced (change amount to your liking)
·         2 -4 cloves of fresh garlic, chopped (or, 1 – 2 Tablespoons)
·         Oregano 3 Tablespoons
·         Basil, 3 Tablespoons
·         Garlic Powder, 1 Tablespoon
·          Salt and pepper to taste (*you don’t need much salt, if any, with all the herbs above. This is especially important if you are on a salt restricted diet.)
·         Parsley, 1 Teaspoon
·         Thyme, 1 Tablespoon.
·         Or, if you don’t have all the herbs separately, find a high quality Italian Seasoning Mix which can include many of the herbs above. (Look for one without MSG).
·         Filtered water; for a good sized pot of soup, you will want to use a larger stock pot/sauce pot;
A 5 quart size is what I usually use and filled about 3 /4.
·         Noodles (see below) one package

Try to purchase either fresh herbs, or organic (no pesticides) herbs in glass containers.  Plastic containers can leach out some of the nutrients from the herbs.

Place all of the chicken and water above in a large pot. Bring to a light boil, then reduce heat, loosely cover, then simmer for at least 45 minutes. Then add your vegetables and simmer for another 45 minutes. The total time the chicken should cook is approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours; you may need to simmer longer depending on the amount of heat in the stove top (size and power of the burner).  *Check that the chicken is fully cooked before shutting off the heat.  *I like to add the vegetables about half way through the total cooking time so they don’t overcook to retain more nutrients.

Once the soup is done, you can remove the chicken and any bones that broke off and may be in the broth. Add your prepared and drained noodles to the soup. (Most of these smaller noodles double in size, so you want to allow enough space in the pan for mixing at the end, or use less water).

Noodles (chef’s choice), prepare the noodles in a separate pan following the package directions.  However, the Italian style noodle called, “Acini de Pepe” works really well with this soup. You can use egg noodles too.

Variations: Some people prefer shredded pieces of chicken in their soup and some don’t, wanting their chicken on the side. I take out the meat and place it on the table so if someone wants a piece of chicken either on the side or shredded in their soup bowl, it’s handy and they can have it either way. You can also serve hard boil eggs for use in the soup at the table as a variation.

Food preparation safety tips: Make sure you that if you are setting your whole chicken in a sink for cleaning, that it is in a freshly scoured sink that has been cleaned with bleach based product and rinsed extremely well.  *After cleaning raw chicken, clean all surfaces it touched with a bleach based product to remove any possible contaminants from the raw chicken and to prevent any illness causing bacteria from getting on any other foods, new utensils etc. Any utensils or boards used with the raw chicken should be washed well with soap and hot to warm water (better yet, rinsed and washed in the high heat of a dishwasher if you have one) before using on anything else.

Enjoy your soup and continue any medications you may have already been prescribed if you are ill.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Emergency Preparedness, Are You Ready?

Last night, Southern California experienced unexpected high winds. When the winds hit here, subsequent power outages are inevitable. As my lights were flickering, I began to frantically look for working flashlights. I had several in the past, but could now only find one. My mind then went to my bottled  water supply; how much did I currently have?  Running water can become contaminated or cease to flow during power outages, as well during natural disasters. I used to be so diligent about having these extra items around the house especially when we had numerous earthquakes. My emergency plan went a bit by the wayside as we’ve not had any big quakes for a long time. Other parts of the country are having high winds too. Now is a good time to re-evaluate your stock of emergency supplies before more storms or other events are upon us.

Disaster preparedness experts recommend having enough supplies to sustain yourself, your loved ones and pets for a minimum of 3 days in the event of any power disruptions, natural disasters or terrorist events. Here are some highlights of what you should have on hand:

Bottled water: 1 gallon per person per day (have extra on hand for any pets).
Flashlights: 1 per person (and extra batteries).
Food: MRE’s (“Meals Ready to Eat”) which used to be termed “sea rations” or “sea rats”. These can be obtained from military surplus stores or online with various vendors.
Medications you use on a regular basis; whether prescribed or over the counter. Have an extra supply on hand or keep them in a small case that you can take with you if you have to leave your home fast.
Emergency Generator if necessary for anyone in your home that may use medical equipment that requires a power source.
Important Legal documents should already be stored in a waterproof/fireproof container if you need to evacuate your home quickly.
Know where your water and gas shut off valves are located and learn how to do it, in the event you have leaks from broken lines. Keep any tools needed in a centrally located area in your home and make sure everyone knows where they’re at.
Pick a day every month whereby you can take an inventory of your supplies and check expiration dates and functionality. Choose a date that has meaning for you such as your birthday, the 1st or the 15th of each month.
Have an ABC fire extinguisher on hand in your kitchen and make sure everyone in your home knows how to use it.
Research tips on how to prepare for and survive particular disasters relevant to where you live such as: earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, blizzards etc.  Check out the following U.S. Government websites for more information: and These are both great resources on disaster and emergency planning for your home or business. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gratefulness is good for our health

Research has show that feeling grateful is good for us. It gives a boost to our immune system, contributes to a positive outlook on life and helps to improve our level of happiness.  Everyone experiences ups and downs; but re-focusing on the good things in our lives, such as cherished family and friends; and our good fortune in other areas of our lives, provides us with many healthful benefits. Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Flying with Kids - Keep them Happy during your Flight

Every parent knows that flying with their children can pose a new set of challenges.  The tedious check in process, cramped seats and dirty looks from other passengers. Sometimes those looks can be warranted if we’re not prepared. 

Depending on your child’s age and stage of development, you can pack a few age specific items to keep them happy, entertained and comfortable while in the air. (These suggestions below are in addition to the staples you will need such as a few extra diapers, baby wipes, a change of clothes and any medications your child needs; all of which should be in your carry-on bag or diaper bag). For general in flight health info, see:

Ear pressure and pain – Depending on the child’s age, keep in mind they need to suck or chew during take offs and landings to minimize the pressure on their ears from the change in altitude.  Just as adults want to chew gum or pop their ears, so do kids, they need your help in keeping their ears open. 
  • *If your child has a history of ear problems, contact your Pediatrician prior to travel to get their specific advice. Medication(s) may be warranted such as, acetaminophen and, or, decongestants, to name a few.
  • Have bottle ready or prepare to breast feed a young child in arms.
  • If your child uses a pacifier, have one ready and keep an extra one in your diaper bag, in case the first one gets dirty or lost.
  • Have age appropriate snacks ready to give an older toddler or child; choose something they like and are use to eating to reduce the risk of choking.

Food – airline food service has been drastically reduced and on some flights, completely eliminated, so bring some extra food (age appropriate and familiar to them, as above) to have on hand when the hunger pains strike.  

Comfort items – Babies and toddlers usually have a favorite their blanket or soft toy to help calm them and lull them to sleep when they're tired. Some older children also have an attachment to a favorite and may want it (or them) on a trip away from home. 

Entertainment items – Bored kids will not be happy, keep them entertained with small favorite toys.
  • Bring 2 small toys and 2 small picture books for a younger child.
  • For older children who are already into electronic gadgets, bring 1 or 2 handheld ones that they can play with when they get bored.

Don’t forget to contact the airline(s) regarding their policies for carry-on and checked baggage, seating assignments and stroller check-in procedures.  *If you have any medical questions or concerns, contact your child’s pediatrician well before your trip.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

SevenTips for a Healthy Flight

Whether you are you flying to see family for the holidays, or are a frequent flyer for business, here are some tips to help you stay healthy on your trip. For additional info on general illness/flu prevention, see:
  1. Stay hydrated - Most people are so busy packing and closing up their homes in preparation for their trip, they forget to keep up their fluid intake prior to departure. Staying hydrated will help to prevent some illnesses from germs you encounter during your flight and trip.  Moist mucus membranes are better equipped to fight off germs.  Prior to and during your flight; limit your alcohol and caffeine intake as both of these make you urinate more and place you at risk for dehydration. Staying well hydrated helps to prevent DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) and jet lag. Purchase a water bottle once you get past the security gate to have some extra on hand for your flight.
  2. DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) Prevention- Flex and rotate your ankles and wiggle your toes every 30 minutes and get up out of your seat at least every 2 hours to help prevent blood from pooling in the veins of your feet and legs. Maintain all treatments already implemented by your physician if you are already at risk, for example, continue your daily dose of Aspirin (if you doctor has prescribed it), it’s so important especially when flying to help prevent a DVT. Keep up your water intake (as above).
  3. Don’t drink alcohol on your flight- In addition to placing you at risk for dehydration and DVT; alcohol impairs your judgment and reaction time if there’s an emergency.
  4. Pack your must haves in your carry-on bag- This includes any prescription and OTC (over the counter) medications you take, contact lenses, a small solution bottle, and your extra pair of eyeglasses.  Just in case your checked baggage gets delayed or lost, you will have your essentials with you. Additional info in a related article is at:
  5. Bring hand sanitizer - Starting with the dirty/germ laden bins we have to touch to place our shoes and personal items in, (and which are handled by countless people every day), or, for use prior to eating and after toileting, keep a small bottle hand in your pocket or carry-on bag to clean your hands when soap and water are not handy or in addition to soap and water for extra cleaning.
  6. Bring anti-bacterial wipes- Bring a small pack in your carry-on bag and use it once you’re settled in your seat.  Wipe down your arm rests, seat belt and buckle, tray table and overhead light switches to remove germs prior to your touching these items.  *Bring an extra pack or 2 in your checked baggage for use in your hotel room to wipe down the TV remote, light switches, doorknobs and counter tops you will be touching.  Recent research has proven that these areas are fraught with germs.
  7. Don’t drink ice on planes- There have been reports and controversy surrounding the safety and cleanliness of ice on planes.  In the interim, stick with chilled drinks or room temperature and no ice.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Carole’s Cranberry - Walnut Salad

With Thanksgiving next week and Christmas and other holidays shortly thereafter, many people begin to crave cranberries. Cranberries are low in calories and so good for you.  Most cranberry recipes contain lots of unhealthy fat from mayonnaise and way too much sugar. (Canned cranberry is high in sugar too). Both of these derail the health benefits of eating cranberries. Here’s a great recipe that’s simple, quick and delicious. Walnuts contain Omega 3’s, another reason this recipe is good for you.  ( Here’s another recipe with walnuts at: )

1 package of fresh cranberries (you can freeze to maintain freshness, and cook it frozen also)
1 cup of water
1/3 cup of sugar (most recipes call for 1 cup; trust me, you don’t need it)
1/3 cup of finely chopped walnuts
1/3 cup of finely chopped celery (approximately 1 small stalk)

Rinse cranberries well.  Combine cranberries, water and sugar, place in a 3 quart pan and boil for 5 minutes.  Stir occasionally during this time.  (You will hear and see the cranberries pop during this process; watch that your heat is not too high so it does not splash out and cause a burn).
Remove cranberry mixture from heat, place in a serving dish.  Add the walnuts and celery.  Mix well.  Cover then chill for at least 4 hours.

Believe me, the fat and extra sugar will not be missed in this recipe.  It tastes so good. Cranberries contain antioxidants and other nutrients that can help to prevent certain types of urinary tract infections and may be helpful (along with a healthy lifestyle and good genetics) to our immune system in preventing and reducing the risks of other types of infections, some forms of cancer and cardiovascular problems.  Try to make cranberries a part of your regular diet (not just during the holidays).
