Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Carole’s Cranberry - Walnut Salad

With Thanksgiving next week and Christmas and other holidays shortly thereafter, many people begin to crave cranberries. Cranberries are low in calories and so good for you.  Most cranberry recipes contain lots of unhealthy fat from mayonnaise and way too much sugar. (Canned cranberry is high in sugar too). Both of these derail the health benefits of eating cranberries. Here’s a great recipe that’s simple, quick and delicious. Walnuts contain Omega 3’s, another reason this recipe is good for you.  ( Here’s another recipe with walnuts at: http://carole-jakucs.blogspot.com/2011/06/heres-nutritious-and-delicious-snack-or.html )

1 package of fresh cranberries (you can freeze to maintain freshness, and cook it frozen also)
1 cup of water
1/3 cup of sugar (most recipes call for 1 cup; trust me, you don’t need it)
1/3 cup of finely chopped walnuts
1/3 cup of finely chopped celery (approximately 1 small stalk)

Rinse cranberries well.  Combine cranberries, water and sugar, place in a 3 quart pan and boil for 5 minutes.  Stir occasionally during this time.  (You will hear and see the cranberries pop during this process; watch that your heat is not too high so it does not splash out and cause a burn).
Remove cranberry mixture from heat, place in a serving dish.  Add the walnuts and celery.  Mix well.  Cover then chill for at least 4 hours.

Believe me, the fat and extra sugar will not be missed in this recipe.  It tastes so good. Cranberries contain antioxidants and other nutrients that can help to prevent certain types of urinary tract infections and may be helpful (along with a healthy lifestyle and good genetics) to our immune system in preventing and reducing the risks of other types of infections, some forms of cancer and cardiovascular problems.  Try to make cranberries a part of your regular diet (not just during the holidays).

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