Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Carole’s Cranberry - Walnut Salad

With Thanksgiving next week and Christmas and other holidays shortly thereafter, many people begin to crave cranberries. Cranberries are low in calories and so good for you.  Most cranberry recipes contain lots of unhealthy fat from mayonnaise and way too much sugar. (Canned cranberry is high in sugar too). Both of these derail the health benefits of eating cranberries. Here’s a great recipe that’s simple, quick and delicious. Walnuts contain Omega 3’s, another reason this recipe is good for you.  ( Here’s another recipe with walnuts at: http://carole-jakucs.blogspot.com/2011/06/heres-nutritious-and-delicious-snack-or.html )

1 package of fresh cranberries (you can freeze to maintain freshness, and cook it frozen also)
1 cup of water
1/3 cup of sugar (most recipes call for 1 cup; trust me, you don’t need it)
1/3 cup of finely chopped walnuts
1/3 cup of finely chopped celery (approximately 1 small stalk)

Rinse cranberries well.  Combine cranberries, water and sugar, place in a 3 quart pan and boil for 5 minutes.  Stir occasionally during this time.  (You will hear and see the cranberries pop during this process; watch that your heat is not too high so it does not splash out and cause a burn).
Remove cranberry mixture from heat, place in a serving dish.  Add the walnuts and celery.  Mix well.  Cover then chill for at least 4 hours.

Believe me, the fat and extra sugar will not be missed in this recipe.  It tastes so good. Cranberries contain antioxidants and other nutrients that can help to prevent certain types of urinary tract infections and may be helpful (along with a healthy lifestyle and good genetics) to our immune system in preventing and reducing the risks of other types of infections, some forms of cancer and cardiovascular problems.  Try to make cranberries a part of your regular diet (not just during the holidays).

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day - Honor our Veterans

Thinking of and helping others and getting outside of ourselves is one way to make our world a better place while increasing our sense of well being and level of happiness. What better day to start doing this than on Veteran’s Day. Please remember the sacrifices of our current and former members of our Armed Forces. 
  • Thank a Veteran for his or her service to show your gratitude for their service to our nation.
  • Send a letter of thanks and, or, a care package to an Armed Forces member that is currently serving in a war zone in Afghanistan or Iraq.
  • Look for the currently deployed Service Member in your own family and community.  Offer to help their family at home by any of the following: Call and check in on them to say hello, offer to pick up items for them on your next trip to the grocery store, offer your time to babysit their children so the spouse at home can run errands, treat their kids to an afternoon at the movies, bring the family a casserole dish or home-made cookies next time you bake.
“Any nation that does not honor its heroes will not long endure”. (This quote has been attributed to Abraham Lincoln). Without a safe and secure nation, we would have nothing else.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Healthier Holiday Desserts

Slice up some fresh apples and sprinkle with cinnamon.  Bake to the desired texture/softness.  This is great dessert that provides fiber and other nutrients and does not need any added sugar.  The natural sugar from the apples gives it plenty of sweetness. This is also great as a side dish to pair up with lean pork loin.(Start with 20 minutes at 350 degrees, you can add more time if needed, depending on your taste and oven).

Cut the sugar by half in your favorite pie recipes. This can be done with many recipes without noticing any change in the taste or texture.  By doing this you’ll reduce the number of calories and lower the glycemic index of each serving.

Go for fresh homemade fruit and vegetable pies such as blueberry, apple, peach, pumpkin and sweet potato.  These contain vitamins and nutrients and, if you cut down on the sugar in the recipes (as above), it will help even more.

Cookies: Homemade oatmeal cookies are delicious. Make them from the “5 minute” type of oatmeal to reap more fiber benefits.

Cut the white flour by 25 – 50 % and replace with whole wheat flour in some of your cookie recipes to add more fiber while maintaining their great taste.

Use Canola oil or light olive oil, (which are healthier fats) in many of your favorite dessert recipes, instead of shortening or stick margarine, which contain trans fatty acids which are unhealthy for your heart, brain and vascular system. Canola oil won’t change the taste, however, depending on the recipe, you may need to experiment regarding the consistency of the final product when using these oils.

If you like quick-breads and cakes:  Opt for pumpkin, carrot,  zucchini and apple recipes, which provide some vitamins, nutrients and fiber, and are all healthier alternatives to a plain old butter and white flour pound cake.  Cut the sugar and tweak the white flour totals with some whole wheat flour and it will help even more.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Getting your treats to trick your taste buds - Halloween leftovers

Halloween has come and gone and for many (including me), it marks the official opening of the holiday eating season.  You may have Halloween candy lying around the house from either your kid’s stash or leftovers from what you handed out.  Either way, all that candy is a huge temptation.  Here are a few tips to help to prevent you from sabotaging your diet.

Donate it: If you can’t resist the temptation, donate any originally/intact wrapped candies you have to our troops or a local charity.
  • Try to locate an individual, community group or house of worship that is preparing packages to ship to deployed U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.  They appreciate some familiar treats from the States upon returning to their base after being out in the field.
  • Contact a local homeless shelter or soup kitchen to see if can use it.
If you plan on eating it: 
  • Set a limit for yourself, such as 1 or 2 pieces per week.  Agree with yourself to only indulge on days you have exercised.
  • Go for the bite size/fun size pieces that are much smaller than a full size candy bar and can still give you some satisfaction.
  • Choose a piece of dark chocolate over other treats; at least there are some health benefits to be gained from eating small amounts of dark chocolate and you can satisfy your sweet tooth at the same time.
Portion control plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy weight, so only have “just a taste” to stay on track with the goals you have set for your diet.

    Sunday, October 30, 2011

    Halloween Safety Tips For Any Age - (Part 2 of 2)

    You can still have fun on Halloween regardless of your age, while being mindful of safety issues.
    See part one posted on 10/29/11 at this link: http://carole-jakucs.blogspot.com/2011/10/halloween-safety-tips-for-any-age-part.html
    General Safety:
    1.       Licensed Drivers: Don’t drive while under the influence of any mind altering substance; better yet, don’t ingest any mind altering illicit substances at anytime.
    2.       Only trick or treat in known neighborhoods that are familiar and safe.
    3.       Trick or treat in groups. All children should have a responsible adult such as a parent accompanying them.
    4.       Bring an operational and higher powered flashlight for use as needed to light up any darkened sidewalks or areas.
    5.       Take advantage of city sponsored Halloween events for a safe alternative venue for children to celebrate in.
    6.       Don’t open the door to your home if you are concerned about your safety and who's on the other side. *Call 911 to summon police or fire department personnel for any urgent concerns regarding health and safety.

    Saturday, October 29, 2011

    Halloween Safety Tips For Any Age - (Part 1 of 2)

    Whether you’re teen, a parent accompanying a child trick or treating, or, a college student or adult attending a costume party; here are some helpful tips to stay safe and still have fun on Halloween, regardless of your age:
    1.       Costumes
    A.      Masks: Don’t wear a mask as it can drastically reduce your field of vision which can heighten the risk of falls. Whatever your age, if you have to wear a mask, only wear one that does not obstruct your vision/eyesight and only for a brief time; don’t wear a mask while driving, walking in the dark or going up and down steps.
    B.      Length: Make sure costumes are the appropriate length for the person’s height. Too much length on pant legs, dresses or cloaks are easy to trip on for any age and gender.
    C.      Flammability: Some costumes can be highly flammable so stay away from lighted candles and flames of any sort, especially important with billowy sleeves and capes. *Try to find flame retardant costumes.
    D.      Wear light colors and, or, reflectors on costumes and clothing if you plan on being outside in the dark for house to house trick or treating.
    2.      Colored Contacts: Only use if prescribed by a licensed eye care professional such an Ophthalmologist or Optometrist.
    3.       Make-Up: Be mindful of special Halloween make-up that is loaded with fragrances and other chemicals, which can cause irritation to sensitive skin and eyes. Look for hypo allergenic alternatives in known brands that can fit the bill by providing a similar look and lessen the chances of an allergic reaction.
    4.       Treats: Don’t consume anything that is unwrapped (including fresh fruits) or home made from any strangers. These items can be easily altered, sabotaged and rendered extremely dangerous for consumption.

    Monday, October 24, 2011

    Can men get breast cancer? October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month (facts for men, part 2 of a 2 part series)

    Here are a few facts regarding males and Breast Cancer:
    The chance of getting breast cancer: Approximately 1 in 1000.
    Breast Cancer causes approximately 450 deaths per year.
    Some men that are afflicted with breast cancer have no known risk factors (just as in female breast cancer, see part 1 at: http://carole-jakucs.blogspot.com/2011/10/october-breast-cancer-awareness-month.html). However, the following are some known risk factors for males:
    • Heavy drinking/High consumption of alcohol
    • Radiation exposure
    • Advancing age
    • Family History of Breast Cancer
    • High levels of estrogen in the body from use of Estrogens for medical treatments and therapies
    • Having one or more of the of the following; Liver Disease, Obesity and having a chromosomal abnormality called Klinefelters Syndrome, can all elevate estrogen levels, while at the same time reducing the amount of male hormones in the body which may also increase one's risk.
    Symptoms to look for (but not limited to):
    • Lumps (painful or non-painful)
    • Dimpling of the skin of the breasts
    • Redness, swelling, thickening or scaling of the skin of the breasts or nipples,
    • A change in the position of the nipples.
    • Any discharge from the nipples
    Limiting alcohol intake, and maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce one's risk as well as lead to overall better health along with not smoking, consuming a healthy diet and daily exercise. Contact your doctor for any changes in one or both breasts, chest and any symptoms, questions or concerns that you have.

    Monday, October 17, 2011

    October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month (facts for women - part 1 of a 2 part series)

    Here are a few facts and a brief overview regarding females and Breast Cancer:
    • The chances of getting breast cancer:  Approximately 1 in 8.
    • Breast cancer causes approximately 40, 000 deaths per year.
    What you can do: While there is still much to learn about the causes of breast cancer and research is ongoing, here are a few tips from what is known thus far to help reduce your risk:
    • Learn how perform a breast self examination (BSE) and perform it monthly. Find a date that works for you and one that is easy to remember so you can do it on a regular basis to detect changes in your breasts such as, but not limited to, lumps (painful or non-painful), nipple discharge, dimpling, redness, swelling or thickening of the skin of the breasts or nipples, and, or, a change in the position of the nipples. Contact your doctor for any symptoms, changes, questions or concerns that you have.
    • See your doctor yearly for a clinical breast exam (this is usually done during a yearly pelvic exam with a pap test).
    • Get a Mammogram once per year starting at age 40 (or sooner if you are advised by your doctor due to a strong family history or concerns that are already present regarding your breasts). The goal for these first 3 points is early detection which increases survival rates.
    • Limit your alcohol intake to no more 2 drinks per day. Consuming more than 2 drinks per day increases your breast cancer risk.
    • Maintain a healthy weight as women who are overweight,  have an increased risk of developing breast cancer.
    • Exercising daily (or at least 5 days per week) has been shown to reduce the risk of getting breast cancer. You don’t have to run marathons; walking for a minimum of 30 minutes per day for 5 days of the week, can help to reduce your risk; even better, 60 minutes per day 5 days or more per week. Inactivity increases your risk.
    The last 3 tips regarding alcohol, weight management and daily exercise, are key to maintaining your overall/general health in addition to helping to reduce your risk of breast cancer.
    • Other facts for females:  Having your first child after age 30 (or not having any children), recent birth control use and using hormone replacement therapy after menopause all increase your risk. 
    For more information visit these websites: www.cdc.gov and www.cancer.org . *Contact your doctor for any concerns you may have regarding your health.
