Bullying, or picking on someone, making them feel intimidated, unwanted and/or causing social isolation by slandering and gossiping about them, can occur in schools and work settings. It also occurs in
families. A recent study published by the journal, “Pediatrics,” confirms that bullying by
siblings against their siblings can cause depression and anxiety for those on
the receiving end.
Mental anguish appeared in the victims with all forms of
bullying from psychological/emotional abuse to physical abuse at the hands of the sibling perpetrators.
While there appears to be an increasing awareness of
bullying in the school and work environments; sibling abuse has not received
much attention from parents, the perpetrators, families or researchers.
Hopefully now with the publication of this study, it will bring to light the importance of healthy family dynamics (including preventing sibling abuse) and the pain and suffering that abusive siblings cause.
(Photo attribution: By Bpenn005 at en.wikibooks [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons)