Showing posts with label Reye's Syndrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reye's Syndrome. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2013

What to Do When You Get the Flu

The Influenza (flu) epidemic is going full bore right now in the United States.  Learning how to prevent the flu is invaluable. However, even if you’re doing everything right, you can still be exposed to it and become ill. Examples: You may get sneezed on by someone infected with the flu, or touch a contaminated shopping cart handle. If you get sick, here are some tips on how to take care of yourself.

Antiviral medication: If you feel you have the signs and symptoms of Influenza (the flu) contact your doctor to discuss the need/use of an antiviral medication. This is especially important to do if you're in any high risk groups that are more prone to complications, such as (but not limited to) those that have any underlying chronic medical conditions, are pregnant, the very young or the very old. Antiviral medications need to be started within one to two days of the onset of symptoms to be effective to help lessen the severity of your symptoms and the duration of your illness.

Rest: If you start to feel ill, rest at home so you can recover. Also, you don’t want to spread the virus to others.

Fluids: Keep your fluid intake up, especially if you have a fever (or are experiencing any nausea, vomiting or diarrhea). It’s easy to become dehydrated when you’re sick.

Fever and Pain Control: Controlling your fever with acetaminophen or ibuprofen will help to prevent dehydration (from the fever) and lessen any pain (muscle, joint pain and/or headache). *If the person (usually infants and children) has a history of febrile seizures, fever control is of the utmost importance to prevent a febrile seizure from occurring. *Never give aspirin to infants, children, teens or young adults, as taking aspirin in this age group (especially during a viral illness) can cause a serious condition called, Reye’s Syndrome.

Be on the alert for complications: If you develop any worsening of symptoms such as, but not limited to, shortness of breath, chest pain, ear pain, headache, severe pain of any kind, or any other concerns, contact your doctor. If you’re unable to reach your health care provider then seek care at an urgent care clinic or emergency room for any urgent symptoms.
