Memorial Day Thoughts
(A poem by Carole Jakucs)
They are proud to serve and keep us safe.
We are blessed to have them with God’s grace.
It matters not to them one’s race.
They serve with honor from every state.
They form a team of all our best.
And they stand out from all the rest.
We give our thanks to all who serve.
Service is a sacrifice that can throw many curves.
For those that never can come home.
We owe them more than remembrances of stone.
Our thoughts and prayers to all who serve.
We thank you for our liberties you preserve.

Photo By: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Brian Gaines [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Even though this is a health blog, I could not pass up the opportunity to give thanks to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation and recognize those who have served and are still serving now.